

战略眼光 资格要求 Funding Process 项目管理


These awards provide up to $100,000 per project to move promising technologies closer to the market.

The deadline for the current RFP has passed, check back for information on the next round of funding.

直接向技术转让办公室提问,地址是 techtransfer@俄亥俄州.edu.



The vision for the newbb电子平台 (OU) 技术验证及启动基金 is to provide access to awards that will transition projects from the lab bench to the market. This additional support will facilitate the further development of the technology pipeline and increase high-quality deal flow via licensing to new Ohio start-up companies by improving the risk profile of funded technologies. 俄勒冈州立大学TVSF项目的目标与学校的目标一致 Ohio Third Frontier Technology 验证 and Start-up Fund (TVSF).


Projects should be based on technology and tech-enabled products and/or services in the following areas:

  • 软件/信息技术
  • 生物医学和生命科学
  • 先进材料
  • 传感器
  • 能源
  • 先进制造

Applications will also be required to meet additional criteria, including:

  1. 项目必须涉及学校拥有的知识产权
  2. 技术必须受到专利申请的保护(最低限度), a provisional application) in the priority areas in which patent protection is advisable; exceptions may be allowed at the discretion of the TTO
  3. Technology must be ready for validation/proof-of-concept studies; early stage research will not be considered
  4. Project must be submitted by an OU faculty or staff member; graduate students are eligible with faculty co-PI

If you have any questions about whether your project or technology is eligible, please 联系 技术转让办公室的代表.


Multiple awards will be given each cycle, with funded projects receiving up to $100,000 per award. Applicants are encouraged to request only those funds which are necessary to accomplish the goals specified in their applications. 获奖者将被要求匹配所需Funding的25%.


征求建议书 :


将通过VPR发布征求建议书(RFP). Priority will be given to projects with an Innovation Strategy Award and/or I-Corps participants. newbb电子程序可用 [PDF].


An initial technical review will ensure that the application is complete and all requirements are met. This will include: (i) a patent application on file through the TTO, (ii)符合商业目标的项目里程碑, (iii)在12个月内可达成的具体目标, (iv)详细的预算,只包括可允许的费用. 本综述还将评估其科学价值, 市场需求, 影响, 竞争优势, team strength and alignment of the proposal with validation activities. Outcomes of previously funded Innovation Strategy Program and I-Corps projects will also be assessed. Applicants that have not participated in the I-Corps program will be encouraged to include industry and/or potential customer input as part of their application. Those applications that meet the above criteria will be forwarded to the Selection Committee for consideration, along with the information/analysis generated by from the initial screening and diligence process.


遴选委员会, 由企业家组成, 风险资本家和商业专家, 将采用两阶段流程审核申请:


每个提案将收到一个 去/不去 ranking based on the following criteria: generation of proof to be licensed; project plan/team; 3 rd party review; competitive analysis; reasonable path/time to market, IP protection; likelihood of start-up creation; market opportunity/size; and budget narrative/use of funds.

Based on this assessment, the Selection Committee will then invite the proposals given a go 有资格亲自向委员会作介绍.


The presentation to the Selection Committee will provide each applicant the opportunity to address the following:

  1. 价值主张 -该技术解决了哪些现有问题?
  2. 验证 – How do the specific aims of the proposal achieve a commercialization-focused result in 12 months?
  3. 市场潜力 – How will the results of the project improve the market potential of the technology? What barriers to commercialization are lowered or removed because of the project? Is there significant competition from other products already in the market or is this technology new and/or disruptive?
  4. 市场价值 – How will the results of the project increase the value of the technology? What risks are removed for potential licensees or investors because of this work?

评选委员会将给每一份报告打分 去/不去 按上述四项标准拨款.


遴选委员会 will conduct a thorough discussion of each project in the context of the 去/不去 rankings from the merit review and the presentation to determine which projects will be funded each round.


Each funded project will be assigned a project manager from the Technology Transfer office to ensure that the specific aims target commercially-focused milestones and end points. The budget will also be reviewed to determine whether it meets the following criteria:

  • 所有外部顾问(个人或公司), including contract manufacturers) required for the project are identified.
  • Materials and supplies required for the project, along with a price estimate, are itemized.
  • Not more than 25 percent of funds may be salary support for faculty, research staff or students. 一般研究活动的资助也不允许.
  • 不应包括间接Funding.

The project manager will meet regularly with each project team to monitor progress towards each milestone in the proposal. The timeframe for these meetings will vary based on the needs of each project. 在每次会议上, the project team will present its progress to date and discuss the likelihood that milestones will be met in the required timeframe. In addition to regularly monitoring progress, funding will be dispersed in milestone-driven tranches.

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