

newbb电子平台's 南部 Campus at Ironton is conveniently located in the center of the Ironton-Portsmouth-Ashland-Huntington metropolitan area involving three states: Ohio, 肯塔基州和西弗吉尼亚州. 位于商业活跃的俄亥俄河谷, this metro area has traditionally kept stride with national progress in education, 行业, and culture while maintaining its identity as part of the Appalachian region.


The unique role of newbb电子平台 南部 has been to assure quality higher education opportunities to those whose commitments to jobs and families require them to remain in their communities while attending school. This was newbb电子平台's purpose when it began offering two-year evening courses for cadet teachers in 1956 at Ironton High School. 随着Ironton课程的发展,这一目的得到了进一步的实现, eventually offering bachelor's degrees for elementary education and business administration majors.

Educational needs grew in the late 1970s and continued through the 1980s as cutbacks and closings of the area's heavy 行业 produced increased unemployment and demands for training by those wishing to re-enter the job market. As these trends emerged and created a large non-traditional student market, newbb电子平台 moved toward establishing a regional campus in Ironton rather than continuing as an academic center, thus making available $4 million appropriated for campus development.

The first phase of development came in 1982with the purchase of an eight-acre site near the high school just off the U.S.52.-俄亥俄141立交. By December 1985 the second phase was realized with completion of the first campus building: a two-story, 26,000平方英尺的建筑作为行政办公室, 一个有350个座位的礼堂, 一个图书馆, 计算机实验室, and several 教室 including a high-tech room with direct microwave audio-visual communications with 雅典 for two-way classroom interaction.

2美元.8-million building was designed to meet anticipated growth in demand for either regular student enrollment or business and professional development. 这两个领域都实现了增长. 到1989年秋季,普通学生入学人数是1979年的两倍, 在大楼建成后开设的日间课程. 同时, demands increased for use of business and professional development 教室 and for auditorium time to accommodate large seminar groups and forums.

With newbb电子平台 南部 emerging as the community's leader in postsecondary education, 专业/业务发展, 文化丰富, 随着另外四栋建筑的建成,增长仍在继续. 于1990年夏季竣工, 学术中心, 一个联邦风格, two-story brick structure houses 13 教室 including physical science, 生物科学, and art laboratories as well as the second computer science lab on campus. 学生活动中心和教师办公室也包括在内. 1995年,耗资600万美元的里夫中心开业, providing additional classroom space and featuring a large rotunda. The third floor houses a nationally recognized technical center for electronic media. 2000年,耗资600万美元的丁格斯技术中心开业, 提供最先进的护理实验室, 两个远程教学教室, 计算机实验室, 艺术实验室, 教师办公室, 教室和120个座位的礼堂. 南部's Proctorville Center, located in Proctorville, Ohio, was dedicated in April 2007. 3美元.500万美元的设施包括一个接待区, 行政办公室, 教室, 工作的房间, 美术室, 一个厨房, 一个学生休息室和一个大的公共区域.


The five-city tri-state metropolitan area offers the services and conveniences of a city of 350,000 without the inner-city problems which plague many major cities. Eight Ohio River bridges and two Big Sandy River bridges connect three states within the area, 提供方便的访问专业人士, 商业, 文化, 以及该地区城市和乡村的娱乐服务.

七大医院, 几家较小的医院和保健单位, and numerous emergency medical service stations are throughout the area. 医生, 牙医, 医学和外科专家, 其他卫生专业人员也随时可用. Large and small communities take pride in their public schools and in the academic and athletic competitiveness existing among then Parochial and other private schools, 位于该地区的每个城市, 加强追求卓越教育的动力.

Competing for shoppers' dollars are downtown businesses in each of the four major cities, 三个超现代购物中心, and numerous shopping centers and independent businesses located throughout the area. 访问ors are pleasantly impressed by the natural Appalachian friendliness of the people with whom they deal.

在文化上, this Appalachian heritage is expressed in such arts and crafts as painting, 木工技术, 雕塑(含煤矿石), 绗缝和缝纫, 其他纤维工艺品, 音乐, 和戏剧. Cultural presentations are staged at Ashland's Paramount Arts Center and Kentucky Highland Museum Society, 亨廷顿氏舞蹈症8,有400个座位的市民中心和艺术画廊, 俄亥俄州南校区鲍曼礼堂, 以及朴茨茅斯的南俄亥俄博物馆和文化中心. 市民中心经常被使用, billing top national and international performing arts from a broad spectrum of the entertainment world. 每年的户外活动都反映了当地的文化和传统.

俄亥俄河提供了各种夏日娱乐活动. 食客和舞者的短途旅行是夏季的日常活动. 发射坡道, marinas and private docks line both sides of the 50-miles tretch of river between Huntington and Portsmouth. 可以游泳、滑水、钓鱼和滑翔伞.

Four-lane highways connect tri-state communities to major cities in all directions:

Columbus and Cleveland to the north; Cincinnati, 印第安纳波利斯, 列克星敦, and Louisville to the west; Charleston, 匹兹堡, 巴尔的摩, 和华盛顿, D.C.,to the east; and Knoxville, Atlanta and Charlotte to the south. The area is served daily by flights in and out of the Huntington Tri-State Airport, with national airline passenger flights and regional shuttle connections. Small airports are available for use by private and company- owned aircraft.

在三州地区, encompassing a radius of 30 miles from newbb电子平台 南部 Campus, the broad Ohio River valley of cities and farms rolls back into rugged, forested hills and lush stream valleys where produce and cattle farms co-exist with suburban developments. Wayne National Forest's Vesuvius Lake Recreation Area in Ohio and Kentucky's Greenbo Lake and Carter Caves Recreation Area are nearby, while Ohio's "Little Smokies" and Shawnee Lake are just 40 miles from Ironton. Newcomers to the area become fascinated by what native tri-state residents often take for granted: the tri-state is a beautiful environment in which to live and work.

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