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Recreation Management
Healthy People, Vibrant Communities

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Recreation Management

About the Major

Think about where you are right now, 但是去掉社区中心, the playgrounds, the ball fields, the bowling alleys, the fitness centers and gyms, the bike paths, the arts and music festivals, the local and neighborhood parks, the protected natural spaces... what’s left?

我们的国家认可的计划准备newbb电子平台管理, coordinate, 指导无数的项目和机构,这些项目和机构直接有助于提高人们的生活质量,并构成我们社区的支柱. 市政公园和娱乐部门, state and federal agencies, commercial recreation companies, sports and fitness facilities, and local and regional tourism offices are just a few places our Bobcats now call home; and through their work they make their communities better places to live and play.

采用体验式教育方法, 该计划与社区合作伙伴携手合作,实现他们的学术目标,同时为雅典和俄亥俄州东南部社区提供现实世界的利益.




    娱乐管理专业需要400小时的实习经历. Internship sites have YMCAs, 市政公园和娱乐部门, amusement pars, commercial resorts, campus recreation programs, fitness centers, and youth sports leagues.



    OHIO's location in Athens, Ohio, 为学生提供一个风景如画的大学城体验,丰富的全年娱乐活动,如徒步旅行, cycling, backpacking, bouldering (indoor and outdoor), mountain biking, stand-up paddleboarding, canoeing, camping, wildlife viewing, and swimming. 雅典位于一个充满冒险的地区,交通便利, 包括全国知名的山地车景点,如贝利步道系统(距离校园15分钟车程), 霍金山州立公园(距校园45分钟车程),适合徒步旅行, 和新河峡谷国家公园(距离学校3小时车程)攀岩和激流划桨. 


    Graduate Success

    newbb电子平台校友的雇主包括国家公园管理局、俄亥俄州自然资源部、美国国家公园管理局和美国国家公园管理局.美国林务局,基督教青年会,哥伦布地铁公园,大学校园娱乐中心,美国.S. 海军士气、福利和娱乐,大哥伦布JCC, REI等等! 

Career Opportunities


Example Job Titles:

  • Director of Parks and Recreation
  • Program Coordinator
  • Camp Director
  • Youth Sport Coordinator
  • Recreation Facility Director
  • Resort Manager
  • Travel Consultant/Coordinator
  • Festival Director
  • Event Planner/Coordinator

Costs and Financial Aid

When you choose OHIO, 你的学费和州立大学一样有竞争力, 但是私立学校会给予你个性化的关注和支持. In fact, 我们连续第二年被评为俄亥俄州最具价值的公立大学 U.S. News & World Report.

学费和杂费是根据注册的学时数来评估的, Ohio residency and program. 


The Parks, Recreation, 和休闲研究课程由公园认证委员会认证, Recreation, Tourism, and Related Professions (COAPRT). 作为一个认证机构,COAPRT获得了高等教育认证委员会(CHEA)的认可。.

2023 Annual Report
2022 Annual Report
2021 Annual Report




Dr. Bruce Martin
Program Coordinator,
Patton College of Education
Patton Hall 202Q
Athens, OH 45701

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