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VUS是越南规模最大,历史最悠久,最负盛名的英语语言中心. We are always searching for enthusiastic graduates of any 主要的 to come teach and be a part of a rapidly growing company. Teaching English in Vietnam is a great way to pay off college debt and put something unique on your resume all while living in one of the most fascinating and dynamic countries in the world. 最重要的要求是要有冒险精神.


我们正在寻找毕业生来教所有年龄段的学生英语. 新员工从兼职开始, 当他们慢慢进入工作时,通常会有一个轻松的时间表, 如果愿意的话,以后也有机会转为全职. 星期一至星期五, classes are only in the evening which gives teachers a chance to pursue their own interests. The busiest times are Saturday and Sunday when younger students are free from their public schools. 

The working environment is relaxed and supportive since most of our teachers are inexperienced. We have senior teachers to help mentor new hires as well as a helpful supporting cast of more experienced teachers who are always there to answer questions or lend a helping hand if needed. 我们的老师来自世界各地,这给了我们一个真正的国际化, 多元文化的劳动力. 


One of the 主要的 reasons come to Vietnam is the chance to explore the country and region. Teachers who are part time generally can take off as much time as they want provided they give advanced notice. 全职教师也可以延长假期, but their annual bonus is contingent on working the statutory number of hours in their contract.


周一至周五,晚上上课3小时. 这样老师们就有了一整天的时间去追求自己的爱好. 这里有一个充满活力的外籍人士社区,适合每个人, 这里的美食是任何地方都无法比拟的. 这个国家是instagram用户的梦想.


唯一的要求是任何领域的学士学位, and teaching certificate called a TEFL which is a short course (120-200 hours) that offers an introduction to teaching English as a foreign language. VUS有自己的TEFL短期课程,是量身定制的教学在越南.



如欲申请,请联络 hrt@vus开头-etsc.edu.vn










职称、系列、等级: 林业技术员(多资源组组长),GS-0462-6/7

位置:  一(1)

服役期间: 全职,永久

责任站: 韦恩国家森林,铁顿游骑兵区,佩德罗,OH

The Ironton Ranger District of the Wayne National Forest is looking for an individual who enjoys working outdoors doing a variety of different work across many different disciplines including timber, 娱乐, 野生动物, 植物学, 和火. The position entails outdoor work in a variety of environmental conditions and hiking in rough and uneven terrain.

This position is located on a Forest Service unit and is assigned a variety of complex and recurring technical duties individually or as a crew member or team leader, 支持单位的各种自然资源管理计划领域. This position performs a variety of routine and frequently complex tasks involving techniques and practices relating to natural resources management programs, (i.e., timber and silviculture, 娱乐, 野生动物, range, 和火 and fuels management). Successful accomplishment of the following assignments supports field projects and program planning activities for the unit:

  • 木材:进行木材标记, 林产品巡游, 种植, 现场准备, and timber stand improvement projects to meet silviculture objectives and forest policy standards. 收集, summarizes and prepares requested timber reports and maps which provide information for planning and implementing forest management projects.  
  • 娱乐: Assures 娱乐 areas are maintained in accordance with standards and reports on condition of area. Makes group and individual contacts in providing forest 娱乐 information and answering questions about 娱乐 management on the unit. Provides specific information concerning camping or swimming and other area regulations such as fire, 安全和卫生. 通知访问者违规和潜在违规行为.
  • 野生动物: Makes 野生动物 and fish habitat surveys and implements coordination measure such as marking key areas. 独立执行, or as leader of a small project crew in construction or completing 野生动物 habitat improvement projects such as water developments, 鱼吸引子, or clearing and 种植 现场准备 areas for establishment of more desirable food or cover and other similar tasks. 通过标记边界参与工厂控制或类型转换, 操作设备, 进行杀戮研究, 或者再播.
  • 植被: 参与有毒植物的控制, 播种, 或类似的项目通过标记边界, 操作设备, 并进行杀戮研究.  标识, 收集, 商店, 并为植被改良项目准备收集到的本地植物种子. 识别植物和有毒杂草,并确定它们如何生长. 使用适当的化学药品来控制有毒杂草. Uses botanical key to identify plants encountered during field trips or surveys of forest and range areas. Compiles and summarizes the vegetation types obtained from ground surveys including forest health monitoring. Layout of experimental plots by taking measurements and marking corners and boundaries.
  • 火与燃料: Executes fuel treatment plans, slash hazard appraisals and hazard reduction plans. Records fuel treatment activity records for required reports and final project completion. Operates motor vehicles and equipment in support of fire suppression activities as capable and qualified.


欲了解更多信息,请联系Tim Slone timslone@fs.美联储.us or 740-534-6525.

http://www.usajobs.gov / GetJob / ViewDetails / 535709700



计划: The Data Incubator is an intensive 8 week fellowship that prepares masters students, 博士学位, and postdocs in STEM and social science fields seeking industry careers as data scientists. The program is free for Fellows and supported by sponsorships from hundreds of employers across multiple industries. 回应大家对我们前几届会议的极大兴趣, 我们将举行另一个团契.

谁应该申请: Anyone who has already obtained a masters or PhD degree or who is within one year of graduating with a masters or PhD is welcome to apply. 欢迎国际学生申请. 其他人都被鼓励这么做 报名参加未来的课程.

地点: 除了以下面对面的地点,我们将有一个远程 在线 会话:

  • 纽约市
  • 旧金山湾区
  • 波士顿
  • 华盛顿特区.

日期: 所有部分将从2019-09-16到2019-11-08.

newbb电子程序链接: http://www.thedataincubator.com/fellowship.html #newbb电子?ref = wYmFja2VzZUBvaGlvLmVkdQo =

早期的期限: 2019-07-08.
普通的期限: 2019-07-15.
We are assessing and interviewing candidates who apply for the Early Deadline first and then based on remaining availability, will take candidates who applied for the Regular Deadline on a first-come first-serve basis.

数据科学30分钟: 在接下来的文章中学习如何构建数据科学项目 免费数据科学在30分钟的网络广播. 由于空间有限,请尽快注册.

了解更多: 你可以在 《newbb电子平台》LinkedIn亚马逊第一资本金融公司, or Palantir. 要了解我们最新的校友,请查看我们的 博客. 要了解更多关于The Data Incubator的信息,请查看我们的网站 合资企业打下一个网络, or 《newbb电子平台》.

计划: The Data Incubator is an intensive 8 week fellowship that prepares masters students, 博士学位, and postdocs in STEM and social science fields seeking industry careers as data scientists. The program is free for Fellows and supported by sponsorships from hundreds of employers across multiple industries. 回应大家对我们前几届会议的极大兴趣, 我们将举行另一个团契.

谁应该申请: Anyone who has already obtained a masters or PhD degree or who is within one year of graduating with a masters or PhD is welcome to apply. 欢迎国际学生申请. 其他人都被鼓励这么做 报名参加未来的课程.

地点: 除了以下面对面的地点,我们将有一个远程 在线 会话:

  • 纽约市
  • 旧金山湾区
  • 波士顿
  • 华盛顿特区.

日期: 所有部分将从2019-09-16到2019-11-08.

newbb电子程序链接: http://www.thedataincubator.com/fellowship.html #newbb电子?ref = wYmFja2VzZUBvaGlvLmVkdQo =

早期的期限: 2019-07-08.
普通的期限: 2019-07-15.
We are assessing and interviewing candidates who apply for the Early Deadline first and then based on remaining availability, will take candidates who applied for the Regular Deadline on a first-come first-serve basis.

数据科学30分钟: 在接下来的文章中学习如何构建数据科学项目 免费数据科学在30分钟的网络广播. 由于空间有限,请尽快注册.

了解更多: 你可以在 《newbb电子平台》LinkedIn亚马逊第一资本金融公司, or Palantir. 要了解我们最新的校友,请查看我们的 博客. 要了解更多关于The Data Incubator的信息,请查看我们的网站 合资企业打下一个网络, or 《newbb电子平台》.