

阿德里亚娜卡马乔 receives the 2022 Presidential Medal for Outst和ing Research or Creative Excellence Demonstrated by a Master’s Student




We are delighted to announce that for the 2nd year in a row a 拉丁美洲研究 student received an exceptional student award - the Presidential Medal.

今年是阿德里安娜·卡马乔, 他是一名土木工程师,也是一名专注于可持续建筑的二年级学生, 获得了总统奖章,以表彰她杰出的顶点项目, “厄瓜多尔南部社区的可持续灌溉供水系统设计."

Her capstone project aims to enhance the living conditions of underserved communities in Loja province 厄瓜多尔, 通过供水进行灌溉. The system encompasses the design of an irrigation system from the catchment structure to the drip irrigation system on every plot. It also includes the design of a Rainwater Harvesting System to guarantee sustainable farming throughout the year.

The Infectious Tropical Disease Institute at OU is promoting the project to eventually help establish the water supply system in 南部 厄瓜多尔ian communities in order to address the social, 经济, 环境问题在该地区很普遍.

Adriana says "This award belongs to every single one of you who has supported me 和 inspired me throughout the last two years. 我要特别献给我的家人、朋友和我在雅典的厄瓜多尔同事们。”.

# OUVirtualExpo赢家

每年, 俄亥俄州举办一年一度的学生博览会,以庆祝和展示newbb电子平台的学生研究 & 创造性活动. This year the expo was held virtually where students 和 postdocs were able to participate through social media by posting text, 关于他们研究的图片或视频 & 创意作品发到他们的社交媒体账户. 独联体的学生 凡妮莎和队友蒂娜Rishmawi耶利米Commey 和 琳达Tuah 在世博会上展示了他们的研究成果! 蒂娜Rishmawi placed first in the International Global category for video judging 和 凡妮莎和队友 placed first in the Diversity & 包含类别. 祝贺同学们的辛勤学习!


Jennifer Ayarkwa获得布莱克本/斯宾塞奖学金


Jennifer Ayarkwa Blackburn奖学金获得者

恭喜Jennifer Ayarkwa, 拉丁美洲研究专业三年制本科学生, 语言学和西班牙语, 获得布莱克本/斯宾塞奖学金和成就奖.

Jennifer写道:“我来自加纳的背景, 我一直接受自己的多样性, 这让我乐于接受他人的多样性, 因此我热爱学习西班牙语和拉丁美洲的一切. 多亏了本杰明·A. Gilman International Scholarship (as well as scholarships through the Global Office of Opportunities) I was recently able to study abroad in Toledo, 西班牙. 我在托莱多的时候, 我和3-12岁的孩子们一起工作, 和 I educated them about my life as a Ghanaian American student 和 encouraged them to follow whatever dreams that they have, 就像我做的一样. 我很荣幸能获得布莱克本/斯宾塞成就奖!”

The Blackburn/Spencer Scholarship 和 Achievement Awards were established by the Black Student Cultural Programming Board in 1979 in honor of Martha Jane Hunley Blackburn, 她是第一位从newbb电子平台毕业的非裔美国女性. 斯宾塞是第一位担任newbb电子平台董事会主席的非洲裔美国人. 受助人的选择是基于经济需要的综合考虑, 学业成绩, 以及对newbb电子平台的杰出贡献.



Amal Shimir -副总裁,GSS

Amal Shimir是newbb电子平台国际发展研究硕士研究生. 阿迈勒现任研究生院(GSS)副主席, 她也是newbb电子平台富布赖特学者协会的主席. She is from Iraq where she has worked for many international organizations like International Rescue Committee 和 International Committee of the Red Cross as a humanitarian worker.  阿迈勒专注于发展和冲突. 她计划把研究重点放在裁军上, demobilization 和 reintegration of armed groups 和 militias in Iraq in post conflict 和 the challenges of DDR in Iraq when it comes to pro-government militias . 在她的空闲时间,她喜欢阅读和旅游.


琳达Tuah -独联体大学参议员

Linda Konadu Tuah is a second-year MA c和idate in 国际发展研究 at OU from Ghana. 琳达是国际研究中心现任大学参议员. Her area of research is on the works 和 lives of female African migrant workers in the Homecare industry 和 how they contribute to the 经济 development of countries they find themselves in as well as their home countries. 从这个意义上说, she focuses on remittances 和 how that helps in the 经济 development of migrants’ home countries. She is passionate about advocating for the less privileged in communities or societies by helping them to be appreciated 和 seen as valuable members of their communities so that they are not excluded or left behind.




Daniela Avila -拉丁美洲研究

Daniela Avila is a second year MA c和idate in 拉丁美洲研究 at OU 和 works for the Infectious 和 Tropical Disease Institute at newbb电子平台. 她是GSS拉丁美洲研究项目的现任部门代表. As part of her activities within the GSS she also represents graduate students in the University International Council (UIC) at OU. 她在基多出生和长大, 厄瓜多尔, 它是南美洲最小但最多样化的国家之一. She acquired a Bachelor's degree in International Relations 和 International Business from the Pontifical Catholic University of 厄瓜多尔. 她对女人有强烈的兴趣, 性别, 和 Development Studies 和 is currently conducting her research on the Amazonian Women Fights for Environment in 厄瓜多尔.


乔治是开放大学攻读非洲研究专业的硕士研究生二年级学生. 乔治目前是研究生参议员的非洲研究部门代表. 他来自加纳东部地区的阿尼纳姆. 他拥有Kwame Nkurumah科学大学的历史学士学位 & 技术. His research interest lie in the area of environment 和 colonialism, 和 democratization in Africa. 在空闲时间,他喜欢踢足球. 


劳伦·奥瓦加是来自肯尼亚的国际发展研究(IDS)硕士研究生二年级学生. Laureen is the current 国际发展研究 Department Representative at the Graduate Student Senate 和 has interests in diversity 和 social justice. 她的研究领域是性别与发展, 她的研究领域是性别不平等和性别暴力, specifically investigating the challenges of domesticating 性别-Based Violence policies' implementations in Kenya.



耶利米·科米从头到肩膀坐着. 他穿着一件蓝色的衬衫

comme收到Richard A. 霍洛维茨专业发展基金

耶利米Commey, 来自加纳的非洲研究硕士二年级学生, 被授予Richard A. 霍洛维茨专业发展基金. He aspires to work with universities 和 international non-governmental organizations seeking to undertake developmental projects with the aim of imparting his knowledge 和 experience to improving the lives of the younger generation. 

The Horovitz Fund is dedicated to African artists 和 scholars in the humanities 和 social sciences 和 is awarded to graduate students with a demonstrated academic achievement. 该基金是为了纪念理查德·霍洛维茨而设立的, 他是福特基金会的项目官员,于1991年去世.

他的主要研究领域是非洲文化视角下的发展. The inspiration 和 passion for his career path has been a result of his experience as a Teaching/Research Assistant at the Modern Languages Center at the University of Ghana following the completion of his first degree in Political Science 和 Swahili. He intends to give back to his country 和 community through research 和 teaching after the completion of a doctoral degree. His goal is to acquire new approaches 和 interdisciplinary techniques–appropriate for the study of the Black experience; historical, 文化, 非洲侨民研究, 以及当代社会经济和政治问题, 并在他回到加纳后有效地newbb电子它们.


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