Service 奖

The 2023 Administrative Service 奖 ceremony was held in May.  Ohio University 管理istrators with 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35, 40, 45, and 50 along with three OUtstanding Administrators and retirees were honored this year.

Administrators Retired with 30 or More Years of Service

  • 斯蒂芬妮. Burcham (33)
  • 罗伯特。米. Delong (39)

Administrators Retired with Less than 30 Years of Service

  • 南希·C. Rauschenberg (5)
  • 琳达K. Bendler (15)
  • Becky Lynn Martin (17)
  • Ron Cullums (20)
  • Ann Addington (24)
  • Julie Goettge (25)
  • Sherry Lynn Rossiter (25)
  • Joan Butcher (29)
Administrators with 20 years of Service 2023-24

10 years of Service

  • Jonathon Amnah
  • Audra Anjum
  • Atish Baidya
  • 了银行
  • 罗宾·米. 巴恩斯
  • Christina Barton
  • 布莱恩·鲍尔
  • Cullen Beach
  • Natalie Beaubrun
  • Nickie Boczko
  • Wes Bonadio
  • Luanne Bowman
  • 玛丽·博伊尔
  • Thomas Boyle
  • Christina Bratton
  • Kendall Brown-Clovis
  • James Bruggeman
  • Andrea Brunson
  • 泰勒一个. 撞
  • Richard Burke
  • Nick Claussen
  • Deanna Clifford
  • Kelly Coates
  • Megan Cochran
  • Mindy Colburn
  • Tracy Corrigan
  • Michael Courtney
  • April Crabtree
  • Kirsten Dabelko
  • 杰西卡·L. 丹尼尔
  • 麦奇的一天
  • Lauren Dick
  • Kate Erlewine
  • Karl Federspiel
  • 标志着. 弗格森
  • Lisa Forster
  • Erin Fraunfelter
  • Michele Frick
  • 艾琳·R. 吉布森
  • Roger Green
  • Luke Gregory
  • Stacy Hayes
  • Jessica Holliday
  • Moriah Hudspeth
  • Miriam Intrator
  • Beth Kaufman
  • Isaac Kirstein
  • Dana Little
  • Patrick Martin
  • 汤姆•马丁
  • Clay Matthews
  • 特蕾莎修女W. 麦肯齐
  • 贝斯一个. 多企业信息系统
  • 艾莉森R. 摩尔
  • Paula Morrison
  • Paa Kwesi Nyarko-Krampah
  • Ryan O'Connor
  • Alexis Parsons
  • Tina Henning Payne
  • Sophie Pierce
  • Travis Post
  • Tonia Reiber
  • Misty Riffle
  • 凯尔L. Rosenberger 
  • Nukhet一. 凉鞋
  • Allyson Schatzer
  • Loralyn Taylor
  • Matt Thomson
  • 盖年代. 特莱诺尔
  • Matt Van Nostran
  • Logan Waldie
  • 布. L. 韦弗
  • 韦斯利C. 威尔逊
  • 劳拉·J. Yamarick
  • 凯伦K. 纽约
Administrators with 15 years of Service 2023-24

15 Years of Service

  • Catherine Allgood
  • David Beauvais
  • 凯莉米. 布劳顿
  • 莉莎维. 巴特勒
  • Paul Castelino
  • Ginny Cottrill
  • Maria Courreges de Benencia
  • Jessica Creamer
  • Ivy Crockron
  • Brian Dieterle
  • Russ Eisenstein
  • Ledger Free
  • 大卫·米. Haugen
  • Kelly Hockenberger
  • Kristine Hoke
  • Tia Hysell
  • Carrie Johnson
  • Krisha Johnson
  • Gabrielle Blackwood Johnston
  • Faith Beale Knutsen
  • Leanne LeMaster
  • Phillip Leuck
  • Rebecca Maccombs
  • 艾米·麦基
  • Patti Malloy
  • Deborah Marinski
  • Micah McCarey
  • Carole Merckle
  • Gregory Moeller
  • Patricia Ovington
  • Vladislav Pascal
  • Rebecca Petty
  • Andrew Powers
  • Nathan Rath
  • Amanda Remnant
  • Jaimie Rosser
  • Dustin Saunier
  • Abby Schaffer
  • Cody Shafer
  • 米维. 史密斯
  • Kevin Swank
  • Gregory Travers
  • 拉里维. 葡萄酒
Administrators with 20 years of Service 2023-24

20 Years of Service

  • Kristin Barron
  • Jen鲍曼
  • 多明尼克H. F. 布鲁克
  • Mary Beth Brown
  • Emily Chapman
  • Samuel Emerson Crowl
  • Terry Douds
  • Jason Farmer
  • Karla Hackenmiller
  • Jeff Kallett
  • Marianne Malawista
  • Ryan McFann
  • 保罗J. 停止
  • Patrick O'Regan
  • Brent Patterson
  • Lynn Petrik
  • 凯西L. 皮特曼
  • Autumn Ryder
  • Brian Wayne Thompson
  • 布鲁斯通
  • Alexander Voinov
Administrators with 25 years of service 2023-24

25 Years of Service

  • 金伯利一. 艾迪斯
  • Julie Allison
  • Michelle Allison
  • Tia Barrett
  • Geoff Buckley
  • Kelly Gorscak
  • Joel Greenlee
  • 吉尔L. 哈曼
  • Bonita干草
  • Tim Hibbard
  • Michael T. 科伦
  • Kelli Kotowski
  • Sandi Krivesti
  • 希瑟维. 克鲁格曼
  • 科里·刘易斯
  • Mark Loudin
  • Jessica Makosky
  • Scott Miller
  • Randy Nogrady
  • Steven Schall
  • Jason Schroer
  • 维姬D. 史密斯
  • Matt Trainer
  • 黎明魏瑟
  • Aaron 威尔逊
  • Julie 威尔逊
Administrators with 30 years of service

30 Years of Service

  • Jacki Adkins-Crawford
  • 黛博拉•米. 本顿
  • John Bowman
  • Janet Dearth
  • Kyle Elizabeth 麦肯齐
  • Shellie McVey
  • 特蕾西·L. 肖博
  • Ronald Williams

35 Years of Service

  • 托马斯·N. 梅西
  • Cindy Perry

50 Years of Service: Heather Cumbo

Administrators with 35 years of service 2023-24

Administrators who are considering retiring before July 1st must submit retirement paperwork to University Human 资源 by February 28th to be recognized at the 2024 ceremony. If your retirement paperwork does not reach Human 资源 by February 28th, the Administrative Senate cannot guarantee that you will be recognized at the 2024 ceremony.

Service Award Committee Members

  • Sam Crowl, Chair
  • Deanna Clifford
  • Kelly Czack
  • Majorie Mora
  • 尼基欧姆
  • Andrew Stuart
  • Ashlee Tatman
  • 詹•沃森

As always, the annual ceremony is open to the public. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact the Administrative Senate.