

This guide is designed to help students understand what courses they will need in order to graduate from newbb电子平台 in a timely manner. This information provides a sense of how University General Education requirements and College of Arts & 科学方面的要求在四年的时间里结合在一起.



Advisers can serve as mentors, friends, references, instructors, and resources. Their expertise may enhance students' career and graduate and professional school options.

  1. When in doubt about requirements or policies, students should inquire at the College of Arts & 本科指导科学办公室 & 学生事务, 到学生的专业办公室去问, 或者与学术部门的咨询协调员会面. Information and assistance is available from many sources at newbb电子平台. 但是,最重要的是,学生们需要学会如何阅读他们的dar. dar报告, which stands for degree audit reporting system, are accessible online 24-7.
  2. A student should locate their success adviser's office early in the term and note office hours, 电话号码, 或电子邮件地址. (仅供参考:每个学期的办公时间可能会有所变化.) Students make an appointment to meet their advisers during the registration period each semester. The adviser will give students their DARS and lift the academic hold to enable the student to register for classes.
  3. 而成功顾问是知识的宝贵来源, 不能指望他们选课, 计划时间表, 或者为学生做学术决定. IMPORTANT: The University's policy states that it is the student's responsibility to know and meet all requirements for graduation.
  4. DROPPING A CLASS: Going online to register and/or to make any changes to a schedule is convenient and quick. Sometimes, instructors use the words "add" or "drop" when talking to students about a class. 但是,只有学生可以更改自己的注册. It's a good idea always to print a copy of changes made online for future verification, if needed.
  5. 俄亥俄州的增减课程政策非常严格. After the fifth day of each term, students may no longer add classes without permission. It is still possible to enroll in a class until the end of week two with permission from faculty (using online permission requests). 改变分级状态(i ..e., credit to pass/fail or audit or vice-versa) or dropping unwanted classes also is allowed during this time. Courses dropped between weeks 3 thru 10 show on the DARS and transcript as WP/ WF (withdraw/pass or fail, 由导师决定). 在学期的第十周之后, 课程不能放弃, except by a petition to the college and with documentation to substantiate the rationale of the late request. Only serious extenuating and documentable circumstances beyond the student's control are considered.
  6. If students experience difficulties, they should meet with their instructors as soon as possible. It is essential to attend every class, sit near the front of the room, and participate in discussion. 组织学习小组, 去学术成就中心(AAC), or attending Supplemental Information Sessions (SI "help" sessions) are all proactive steps. 由AAC安排的辅导最好在学期早期完成. 提醒一下——在第十周之后, 现在逃课太晚了, 即使学生不及格. 密切关注日程安排.
  7. Students may ask the instructor (not the College office) for permission using the online permission request to register for courses designated permission only or when a class is full. 许可由讲师在线批准, and the student must accept and enroll by the 14th day of the term to enroll in a class that would otherwise be unavailable for registration.
  8. Whether students are registering for classes or wanting to drop or add a course, it is important to make sure the correct course and class number has been entered. Students should print out their schedules and check their newbb电子平台 email accounts frequently for messages from the Registrar and other campus offices. A&学生每周都会收到一份电子通讯&S Forum—from the College every Tuesday with up-to-the-minute announcements, 提醒, 和信息.
  9. 提高gpa, students should retake courses with poor grades as soon as possible, 如果他们相信他们可以获得“C”或更高的成绩. The original grade will be replaced with the most recent grade (whether higher or lower) and, 虽然前一个职级不会从永久记录中删除, 它不再被计算在GPA中. 俄亥俄州 policy allows two additional retake attempts after the first try.
  10. Students are highly encouraged to become well acquainted with their online "catalog of entry.“ 本科目录 is their guide to success at newbb电子平台 because it provides information about graduation requirements, 还有政策, 规则, 学校和学院的规章制度. 大学政策, refer to the Guidelines and General Information sections; for information specific to the College or major, 看看艺术学院 & 科学部分和教学课程.

和, 最后但同样重要的, a summary of questions parents frequently ask about adding and dropping classes, 费退款, 和更多的...

Q. "If my daughter misses the first class meeting, won't she automatically be dropped?"

A. No. 如果学生错过了课程的前两个课时, the instructor does not have to admit the student back into class at the next meeting. 如果被拒绝访问, it is the student (NOT the instructor) who is responsible for dropping the course from her schedule. 如果按计划进行的话, a failing grade--FN—failed/ never attended—is reported at the end of the term.

Q. "If my student dropped a class by the end of the second week, why don't we get a refund?"

A. There is one fee for a block of 12-20 credit hours so adjustments of credits that still fall within the 12-20 credit hour range do not affect the standard fee.

Q. "How will my son know whether to drop a class by the 10th week of class?"

A. The student should discuss whether or not to drop a course with the instructor. 在一般情况下, students who have an average of "D" or lower should seriously consider dropping the course.

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